Light Healing

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It is a harmonization of energies that releases blockages on the physical and ethereal levels. You will gain more energy and feel lighter.

At the agreed time you will make yourself comfortable and open to the action of the energies at a distance. You may feel a flow of energy (tingling, chills) and perceive sensations or images.

The energy always tunes in exactly what is needed and has a positive effect on spiritual development as well. Sometimes it also upgrades your abilities or activates a gift.
At the end we will connect to share the progress of the attunement and important information for you.

The care takes about 40 to 60 minutes. The price is 3,000 CZK.


Would you like to give the same care to your pet? To know what it is thinking and feeling, to get a message from it?

Then there is light healing for your furry friend too. For more information, please contact me via the contact form below.

The price is 1,100 CZK.

How to order my services

Please contact me by email or via Facebook Messenger

Payment information

I only accept payment from abroad via the wise transfer platform. I will be happy to provide you with more information when ordering services.

About me

I am an ordinary woman, mother of 2 teenage daughters, living in Prague, Czech Republic.

I love my work because I see how women’s souls can shine. How they have more energy or get along better with their pets. I am living my dream!

What am I like? I enjoy the present, rejoice in the little things and find moments of happiness in the “ordinary” things around me.

It will be my pleasure to be here for you.

Please keep in mind that the information on this site represents my opinion and experience. They are not a substitute for psychological or other professional counseling or medical care. If you are under medical care or taking medication, I am in no way suggesting that you discontinue this treatment without consulting a physician. Please also note that any application of information from this website to your life, or decision to sit with me or use light healing, is your personal responsibility alone.

Consultations are not appropriate for those with addictions or diagnosed depression or other psychiatric diagnosis. If you are pregnant, please tell me. Thank you.